
You can run ChopShop using a Docker container or install it directly onto the target machine (either system-wide or into a virtualenv). ChopShop requires Python 2.6 or 2.7.


The manual installation process has been tested and confirmed to work on Ubuntu 14.04. It should be possible to install ChopShop on most POSIX-compliant operating systems, though in some cases package names or build steps may be different than shown below. If you run into problems, please file an issue in the GitHub repository. Pull requests to improve the installation process or documentation for other platforms are encouraged!


Once you install Docker, you can fetch the ChopShop Docker image:

$ docker pull mitrecnd/chopshop

You can run a container using a command such as the following:

$ docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/folder/pcap:/pcap mitrecnd/chopshop -f my.pcap "http | http_extractor"

The arguments -f my.pcap "http | http_extractor" are passed directly to the chopshop program. For more information on the chopshop command and its options, see chopshop - command line interface to ChopShop. For more information on using ChopShop with Docker, see the docker/ file.

Using the Makefile

The recommended method for manually installing ChopShop is to use the included Makefile. This file can also be used to check for required dependencies.

  1. Download the latest stable version of ChopShop from the Releases page (replacing X.Y with the latest version):

    $ wget
    $ tar xf RELEASE_X.Y.tar.gz
    $ cd chopshop-RELEASE_X.Y

    Alternatively, you can clone the most recent version from GitHub. The master branch may have fixed bugs from the prior stable version, and may contain additional features added since the latest release:

    $ git clone
    $ cd chopshop
  1. Install ChopShop. By default, ChopShop will be installed into /usr/local, but you can change this with the PREFIX environment variable. You can also change the owner and group of the ChopShop files with OWNER and GROUP, and specify the path to particular Python interpreter with PYTHON:

    $ sudo make install
  2. Install ChopShop dependencies. The Makefile contains a dependency-check target that can be used to verify which dependencies are installed:

    $ make dependency-check

    The only dependency required by the ChopShop core is pynids. Several modules have their own dependencies. Information on installing particular dependencies can be found below.

  3. Run ChopShop. Assuming the chopshop program was installed onto your path, you can run it with a command like:

    $ chopshop -f my.pcap "http | http_extractor"

    For more information on the chopshop command and its options, see chopshop - command line interface to ChopShop.

Using a virtualenv

If you want to try out ChopShop with minimal changes to your underlying system, or want isolate ChopShop from other projects with potentially conflicting dependencies, ChopShop can also be installed into a virtualenv. As with the Makefile approach, this can be done using either a tagged release of ChopShop, or a cloned copy of the source repository. Dependencies should be installed into the virtualenv; make sure the virtualenv is activated, or you’re otherwise using the pip binary from the virtualenv:

$ ...
$ /path/to/virtualenv/bin/pip install ...
$ ...

You can also use symlinks or create the virtualenv with --system-site-packages if you need OS-provided packages (such as with M2Crypto on Ubuntu).

You can use the Makefile to check the dependencies installed in your virtualenv as well. Make sure you use the PYTHON environment variable to point to the virtualenv’s Python interpreter:

(my_env)$ PYTHON=`which python` make dependency-check


ChopShop depends on several C libraries, with their corresponding Python wrappers. This guide assumes that you are familiar with installing packages. On Ubuntu, you should have the build-essential and python-dev packages installed first:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev

For installing Python packages, pip is highly recommended.

Other OS-provided packages may be need for specific dependencies. They are listed below.

If you are installing into a virtualenv, you do not need to use sudo to run the python install or pip install commands.


pynids (the Python bindings for libnids) is a required dependency for ChopShop. pynids itself depends on libpcap and libnet, so you will need to run the following command first (on Ubuntu):

$ sudo apt-get install libnet1-dev libpcap-dev

To install pynids, run the following:

$ git clone
$ cd pynids
$ sudo python install


htpy (the Python bindings for libhtp) is required for the ChopShop http module. libhtp depends on zlib, so you will need to run the following command first (on Ubuntu):

$ sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

Install htpy:

$ git clone
$ cd htpy
$ sudo python install


The dns_extractor module can optionally store data into MongoDB, when passed the -m flag. Instructions for installing MongoDB are beyond the scope of this guide, but you can install pymongo with the following command:

$ sudo pip install pymongo


dnslib is required by the dns module. It can be installed with pip:

$ sudo pip install dnslib


pylibemu (the Python bindings for libemu) are required for the shellcode_extractor module in ChopShop. libemu requires some additional Ubuntu packages to build successfully:

$ sudo apt-get install autoconf libtool

To install libemu:

$ git clone
$ cd libemu
$ autoreconf -v -i
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig

Then, install pylibemu with pip:

$ sudo pip install pylibemu


yaraprocessor is an extension to Yara, designed to work with PCAP files in ChopShop. yaraprocessor requires that Yara and its Python bindings be installed first:

$ wget
$ tar xf v3.4.0.tar.gz
$ cd yara-3.4.0
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig
$ cd yara-python
$ sudo python install

Then, install yaraprocessor with pip:

$ sudo pip install yaraprocessor


M2Crypto is needed for the chop_ssl module.

On Ubuntu, it’s easiest to use the OS-provided package. There is currently a bug when trying to build the PyPI-provided version of M2Crypto on Ubuntu 14.04:

$ sudo apt-get install python-m2crypto